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Whatever the activity of your business, whatever the nature of your real estate (offices, factories, warehouses, etc.), whether you own or rent all or part of your real estate portfolio, whether your real estate is national or international, you want to optimize the costs of your real estate, adapt it to your activity and economic conditions and guarantee your employees optimized and attractive working conditions.


Real estate is one of the most important items of expenditure for companies and optimizing these costs is a necessity for them to remain competitive facing increasingly stiff competition.


ARK INTERNATIONAL and its team of specialists set up an Outsourced Real Estate Department for you that will adapt to your needs and the real estate challenges you face.

Depending on your building portfolio and the patrimonial vision of your company, we will establish, in accordance with your expectations, a short, medium and long-term real estate strategy and will ensure implementation and monitoring.

Traitant des nombres
  • base de données immobilière 

  • real estate database

This database, and especially its exhaustiveness and its accuracy, is the essential base to have a global vision of the assets, their state, their size, their cost, etc.

ARK INTERNATIONAL realizes for you a real estate database gathering all the assets and their characteristics and ensures the update. If necessary, we can set up a property management software for you (which can integrate, for example, monitoring of site maintenance or other items depending on the need).

This global vision of all assets (own properties and / or rental ones) can, among other things, allow the cost of insurance, taxes, etc. to be updated.


  • Own properties

The real estate properties of the company is a source of liquidity which can allow it to meet cash requirements for a company buyout, or the launch of a new project for example, it is therefore important to have an updated value of assets.

ARK INTERNATIONAL ensures the valuation of the real estate own portfolio of the company and according to the real estate strategy of the company ensures: sale, purchase, construction, leasing, sale & lease back, refinancing, etc.

This valuation is updated annually according to real estate market conditions.

ARK INTERNATIONAL can support you in France or abroad in your construction projects, see our AMO missions

  • ​​Patrimoine immobilier en propre

Nuages ​​urbains

Le  patrimoine immobilier de l'entreprise est une source de liquidités qui peut lui permettre de faire face à des besoins de trésorerie pour un rachat de société , ou le lancement d'un nouveau projet par exemple, il est donc important d'avoir une valeur actualisée des actifs.

ARKIMMO INTERNATIONAL assure la valorisation du patrimoine immobilier de l'entreprise et en fonction de la stratégie immobilière immobilière de l'entreprise assure : vente, achat, construction, crédit bail, sale & lease back, refinancement

Cette valorisation est mise à jour annuellement en fonction des conditions du marché immobilier.

ARKIMMO INTERNATIONAL peut vous accompagner en France ou à l'international dans vos projets de construction, voir nos missions AMO

  • Parc immobilier locatif

  • Rental property portfolio

The management of a rental property portfolio must take into account several important elements that allow the business to be agile and flexible.


Lease management : Fundamental element guaranteeing the company to have the real estate park which corresponds to its needs.

ARK INTERNATIONAL missions could be the research of sites, the regrouping of sites, the negotiation / renegotiation of leases, the transactions of early exit of leases, etc. ARK INTERNATIONAL will secure the conditions most suited to the needs of the company (duration of the lease, exit and break option conditions, provision, extension, inventory, dilapidation costs, etc.). We generate alerts 3 to 6 months before the date of notification of break option or end of lease to allow the company to take a decision in due time and avoid the involuntary renewal of an unnecessary lease.


The rent benchmark : Enables you to know market prices

An annual benchmark makes it possible to see how the rents of the rental stock are positioned compared to the market and can make it possible to decide the exit of a lease or to try its renegotiation for example

Site maintenance: Depending on the conditions of a lease, certain maintenance operations are the responsibility of the tenant, it is advisable to follow them to avoid any additional cost of restoration at the end of the lease or at least to know their value in order to be able to carry out the necessary provisions


Charges and consumption : Knowing the charges and consumption makes it possible to know the overall cost of a site and can be an element in the decision to rent, leave, etc. a building or to carry out improvement works (of which the owner could support a part within the framework of an adapted negotiation)


Development works : Whether for offices, a factory, a warehouse, etc. development works are often to be carried out (they can be fully or partially taken care of by the owner)


Depending on your projects ARK INTERNATIONAL can also support you in the context of various missions: Space planning, design monitoring, tender, work monitoring, etc.



La gestion des baux :

Elément fondamental garantissant à l'entreprise d'avoir le parc immobilier qui correspond à ses besoins.

ARKIMMO INTERNATIONAL intervient entre autre lors de la recherche de sites, le regroupement de sites, la négociation/renégociation de baux, les transactions de sortie anticipée de baux. Elle garantie les conditions les plus adaptées au besoin de l'entreprise (durée du bail, conditions de sortie et de sortie anticipée, mise à disposition, prolongation, état des lieux, etc.). Elle génère des alertes 3 à 6 mois avant la date de notification de break option ou de fin de bail pour permettre à l'entreprise de prendre une décision en temps voulu et éviter la reconduction involontaire d'un bail inutile.

Le benchmark des loyers :

Permet de connaitre les prix de marché.

Un benchmark annuel permet de voir comment les loyers du parc locatif se positionnent par rapport au marché et peut permettre de décider la sortie d'un bail ou de tenter sa renégociation par exemple.

La maintenance des sites :

Suivant les conditions d'un bail certaines opérations de maintenance sont à la charge du locataire, il convient de les suivre pour éviter tout surcoût de remise en état en fin de bail ou à minima en connaitre la valeur pour pouvoir réaliser les provisions nécessaires

Charges et consommations :

La connaissance des charges et consommations permet de connaitre le coût global d'un site et peut être un élément dans la prise de décision de louer, quitter, etc. un bâtiment ou d'effectuer des travaux d'amélioration (dont le propriétaire pourrait supporter une part dans le cadre d'une négociation adaptée)

Les travaux d'aménagement :

Que se soit pour des bureaux, une usine, un entrepôt, etc. des travaux d'aménagement sont souvent à réaliser (ils peuvent être pris en charge totalement ou partiellement par le propriétaire)

En fonction de vos projets ARKIMMO INTERNATIONAL peut vous accompagner dans le cadre de diverses missions : Space planning, suivi de conception, appel d'offres, suivi travaux, etc.

espace de bureau
Happy Office Talk
Tableau d'investissement

The expertise of the ARK INTERNATIONAL teams is at your service to fulfill all the missions of an International Real Estate Department.

Each client is different and we will give you an answer tailored to your needs.

If we work daily alongside your teams on site and send you all the reports allowing you to make decisions in real time, we will also provide monthly reporting and a real estate dashboard to allow you to follow the evolution of projects, the possible resetting of the objectives, the monitoring of the investments and the control of the costs.

En-tête 2

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